You’re not alone if all the recent upheaval of normalcy has you feeling uncertain, uncomfortable, anxious, or otherwise just NOT OK. ??‍♀️We’re all processing and coping with so many changes being thrown our way, and the changes keep coming by the minute. ?So, if you’re doing your best to stay positive but find yourself feeling upset anyway; IT’S OK.

Please reach out to friends and loved ones (via text, FaceTime, phone call, email, carrier pigeon…whatever you have available to you!) and share how you’re really doing. Let them support you during this strange time and more than likely, you’re going to be helping them in return. Because connection is more important than ever, and by reaching out you’ll be strengthening your relationship during a time of literal isolation.

You can also ALWAYS reach out to us; we read and respond to every e-mail and will support you in any way we can. Together, we’ll get through this and be OK again. Promise.?

Be well,

Lan & Cathy