WOW. We.Had.No.Idea.
When we started cutting and distributing mask hooks a short two and half weeks ago, we anticipated making a few dozen, or possibly a few hundred to give to our local healthcare workers. We are overwhelmed at the positive response and demand for them!

We have now shared these hooks across the country with thousands of healthcare and essential workers to help alleviate pain caused by extended wearing of protective masks. As of this writing, our distribution count is over 4,800 hooks. We continue to receive emails and DM’s every day, asking us to send what we can and we’re thankful that we have been able to meet the need.
Due to the overwhelming response, we are now asking for your help to keep these hooks 100% FREE for those that need them. The cost of packaging & shipping throughout the U.S. is adding up quickly. If you’re able and willing to make a contribution toward our efforts, you would be helping us to get these into the hands of the healthcare workers that need them. We’ve made it as easy as possible for you to do so; you can donate via Venmo: @BWS-charity

100% of donations will go directly towards material and shipping costs. We are working hard to keep production going and will continue to do so for as long as we can.
Thank you for your help; your contribution means the world to us.
With love,
Lan & Cathy
P.S. If you are a healthcare worker (or know of one) that could use one of these mask hooks, please email us at and we’ll “hook” you up ??
Stephanie Dickens
can I get the mask hooks that just has the white writing on them please. Not where you work. Need 100 of them if possible. I’m a Nurse at Marian Med Center and would like to give them to people. I can pick them up you would like me to. Will pay for them also. Thank you so much for what you are doing for HHW❤️ So appreciated.
Cathy Sackrison
Stephanie, These hooks are free of charge; please email to arrange delivery details.
Are these available for purchase? I run a drug store and would like to purchase some for my employees as they are required to mask as well. Thank you.
Cathy Sackrison
April, We are providing these by donation only. We would be glad to send you some for your essential workers! Please e-mail with mailing address.
Cheryl Peterson
My niece is a NICU RN in Wichita, KS and my sister-in-law is also an RN in hospital in Wichita. They both speak of sore ears. And neither one has A95 masks. I’d like to order 50 of these hooks for them and their coworkers. I am glad to pay for the postage and donate to make it possible for you to continue. I will sign up for Venmo tonight and send money and address if you let me know that is possible. Thank you so much.
Cathy Sackrison
Cheryl, Thank you for reaching out; we would love to take care of these wonderful healthcare workers!
Stella Garcia
Please I would like to get two mask clips. My sister in law is a ER nurse and my daughter is a PTA at CMH Working long hours and have tried different types of hair clips with no success
Cathy Sackrison
We will gladly send you some to share with your family. Please email with your mailing address.
Patty Albert-Leis
How can I get a few of these wonderful hooks for my coworkers at Ojai hospital? I will gladly pay!!
Cathy Sackrison
Please email us at with mailing address and we will be happy to send you some! Thank you for what you do; there is no charge.