We’re a little more than a month into the year, and I don’t know about you, but it was a LONG month! At the same time, I’m left wondering – where has the time gone! Are we really 1/12 of the way through 2020? How can that be?!
If you, like me, started off the year with big plans and
serious goals – how are you doing with them? I’ve found myself doing a couple
things this week that I invite you to do as well:
- Honestly evaluating my progress on goals set
(ugh, it can be brutal)
- Deciding how to refine or adjust my course to
actually reach those goals!
I’ll share one of my own goals with you (who knows, maybe
this will help me with some accountability?!)… but first, a little back story
to my 2020 mindset!
I’m not a huge fan of the “new year, new me” line of
thinking; no judgement for those who find it motivates them, but I believe it’s
the same me, year after year. I’m on a constant journey of growth and learning,
so while I know there’s plenty of room for improvement, I don’t feel like I’m
trying to completely make myself over every time a new year begins. In fact,
some of my goals actually involve trying to go BACK to versions of myself that
I miss.
Which brings me to a 2020 resolution I want to share with
you. It might seem a little silly, and I’m (almost) embarrassed to share it,
but I want to be able to do the splits this year. YEP, good old fashioned
splits.? My 10 year old giggled, too, when I shared
this particular goal on Dec 31, but hear me out – this has nothing to do with
the idea of being a twisty, bendy teenager again. I’ve begun to really feel old
in my body, which seems like a ridiculous thing to say, but it’s true! I wake
up with an achey back and stiff neck more mornings than not, and my muscles
feel so tight most days that in the last year I’ve been to the chiropractor for
more visits than I care to count.
When I started to consider WHY my body has been feeling so
tight and uncomfortable– I had to acknowledge that I’ve become so sedentary
that I’ve lost a ton of the flexibility and strength that I used to have. So, I
made a promise to myself that 2020 would be the year I got serious about
regaining those two things, and that would mean both diet and exercise would
have to be addressed.
And, if you’ve listened to our podcast episode about setting goals (Episode 5 – click here for a listen) you know both Lan and I believe in getting SPECIFIC about our goals. Too broad, and there’s room for excuses or failure. Too lofty and non-descript (i.e. I’m going to be super-fit!) and youor goals feel more like dreams than tangible milestones. We believe you need to get specific and set goals that are measurable. In my case, one of the measurable goals on my journey to being stronger and more flexible is to be able to do the splits without tearing a muscle (or 5).
SO, how am I doing? Not gonna lie – it’s not going well! I
started off strong, exercising a lot (for me) the first week and a half of
January. Then, life happened. *Cue the excuses* I just “couldn’t” fit in the
time for myself to focus on this stuff. Or so I told myself. Sound familiar?
It’s so easy to let yourself off the hook when the only one who really cares
about the outcome is you. But, as we’re always preaching: self-love means
actually putting forth the effort for yourself, even when it’s inconvenient.
So, what hasn’t been working? For me, it’s a couple things –
I keep saying I’ll work out in the evenings after the kids are settled for the
night. Alternately, I’ve been saying I need to join a class or gym to make it
more fun – but in the meantime, I’ve been excusing myself from at-home
stretching/exercising – and there’s just no valid reason for those excuses!
How am I planning to adjust the course? Starting tomorrow,
I’m going to wake up and stretch – I’m committing to start my day off strong.
This means, before I’m going to allow myself coffee, phone time, etc., I’m
going to discipline myself to stretching and warming up my body. I’m also going
to fit in my workouts while the kids are at school – in between phone calls and
e-mails. There’s time IF I CARVE IT OUT. No more excuses that truly end up
amounting to laziness. (Ugh, that’s brutal to even see in type) Later in the
day, when I’m mentally drained and feeling REALLY unmotivated, I can rest a
little easier knowing I’ve already done something good for myself.
Small steps, right? I’ll keep you posted on my progress. In
the meantime, what are some of your goals or resolutions? How are you (really)
doing with them? How are you going to adjust YOUR course, or are you already
smashing goals? I’d love to support you with them – so share in the comments or
e-mail me at cathy@betterwithsisters.com
Stay strong & stay motivated –